Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Actual Final Blog Post (I labeled the last title wrong oops!)

Hello everyone!  I accidentally titled my previous blog post the title of this one, sorry if there was any confusion! So, for my final blog post I am sad to say that you will no longer see my wonderful turns on here on a weekly basis.  I have loved this project so much and I am sad that it is coming to an end.  If I had more time in class to do whatever I wanted, there would be so many more topics I would like to explore.  Some of these topics include, guitar, songwriting, nail designing, sketching, hair styling, and many more.  It's possible that I will be tackling one of these topics this summer while I have tons of free time.  As for my fouette turns, I am pleased to say that I am now able to do different variations of the turn.  I have rehearsed in the studio yesterday and the day before and the maximum number of turns I have reached is 10!  Which is way past my original goal of four.  I have also done the turns with a variation of landings such as a barrel turn (shown in the video) and a pitch, which is extending your leg straight up in the air behind you.


To steal a phrase from a fellow blogger Evan Kuo... excuse the sexiness of this video, it gets really hot in our studio

As for the future of these turns, they are commonly used in dance routines that compete at dance competitions, as I may have mentioned before.  One of the futures to consider as a dancer is to join a dance team in college.  These programs can be very time consuming and challenging to get into, but it's definitely something I have been considering.  Just to get an idea of the level of turning excellence these teams have, you can take a look at this video.

Every single girl who is turning in this video is facing the exact same direction at the exact same time, and these are some of the top dance teams in the country.  I can only dream of being able to do fouettes this perfectly.

Next season, when new dances are choreographed for jazz and lyrical styles, I could possibly be choreographed into the sections of the dance that include the turns.  This means I will be on stage for more of the dance, and I will be able to use these turns to my advantage to score higher on dances.  Judges love fouettes!  

So glad I got a chance to learn this cool dance turn and I hope that my turns continue from here!  Thanks for reading!


Blogs I've commented on:
Evan Kuo
Lizzy Cutler
Margo Kaplan


  1. Hi, Avery! It's a little bit sad to think that this blog, and everyone else's, is coming to and end. But at the same time I think that this project was only a start for the things to come for everyone involved and it was simply a glimpse into the amazing things you and everyone else in Gifted can accomplish. For instance you far exceeded your goal and that's amazing! I think, no I know, that you can continue to improve in your dancing and accomplish any other dancing goal you set for yourself. This project gave me a look into what it takes to do a fouette turn, but it also gave me a look into your work ethic, determination, and skill. Thanks for sharing this project with me and all of your other readers and I look forward to what else you can accomplish in the future.

  2. Hi Avery! Your TED Talk was awesome. I'm so happy that you were able to get so much out of your project, and hope that it shows in your dances to come. I love how now that you have the basis of the turn, you can add so many cool things to it, and it's all because of this project. I'm so excited for you and to see where this goes. I'm also happy that this project has inspired you to look into other interests. I hope that you are able to find some free time to pursue them.

  3. Aves!!!
    That is great! 10 turns!! You smashed your goal which is fantastic. Your presentation was really good and I was wondering if the link that you couldn't get playing on your ppt is on your blog! I'm glad that you are able to apply these foutes to something you are super passionate about and something that can make your life happier. More dance time! Good luck

  4. Hey Aves!
    Your Ted Talk was out of this world. I was so happy to see that you were able to use your jealousy to advance your dance skills. You need to have more confidence though. Just because some girls can completle a turn that you can't doesn't mean you aren't as good as them (because I'm sure you are wayyyy smarter than them anyway). You have a way of connecting with people when you talk on a stage that makes the audience feel as though each and every single person is talking to you individually, which is something that only a select few can accomplish. Just like mastering that turn! We are all so proud and happy for you that you achieved your goal! Good work outta you!
